Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is Mercury Retrograde?

Do you love that feeling you get when everything works out? You know, when you get to places on time and the people around you communicate effectively? Of course you do ... we all do! Well, savor that feeling because Mercury Retrograde takes effect in just two days. Don't shoot the messenger! Or if you must, wait until Mercury is direct (because the gun would probably jam, anyway).

Mercury, the planet responsible for our skills in communication, technology and transportation, will begin its three-week backward motion in Aries on Monday, March 12. During this time we are going to see plenty of hiccups -- communication breakdowns, traffic jams, text misfires and more -- in our day-to-day lives. The uncertainty of this fast-approaching period can be stressful, and uncertain to say the least. 

What are the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2012?:

This happens three to four times per year, when the planet Mercury slows down, and appears to stop (station) and move backward (retrograde). It's an optical illusion, since there is forward movement, like speeding by a slow-moving train -- as it recedes, it appears to go backward.
I saw this on a road trip, driving alongside a moving train going slower than my little white Subaru -- it really does play tricks with your mind!

What are the Mercury Retrograde dates for 2012?:

March 12th to April 4th in Aries
July 14 to August 7 in Leo
November 6 to November 26 in Sagittarius, then Scorpio

What happens?:

Mercury is the messenger, and in this time, legend has it that mail vanishes en route. Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. If you're at all jittery about it, go ahead and back up your important files. That's always a good idea anyway, right?

A Time-Out:

Mercury retrograde gives us time to catch up with ourselves, and reflect. Something from the past returns in a different form. People, ideas or buried insights that are keys to moving forward, float to the surface. Often it's felt as a slowed down, contemplative time, and depending on the sign, a chance to go over old ground again, to claim what you missed the first time.

Err on Side of Caution:

There's a long-held belief that it's best to avoid making set plans during the Mercury Retrograde. This means holding off on signing contracts, and forming partnerships and alliances. What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious revising after Mercury goes direct. But since tying up loose ends is the domain of retrograde, this type of finalization might fly.

Can you repeat that?:

In our relationships, sometimes we gloss over things that pushed buttons at the time, but which we let slide. What seemed not worth the trouble may reveal itself as a major issue in need of our attention. The Mercury retrograde is a time for review, when the underlying patterns come to light.

Back to the Drawing Board:

Some dreams and goals get lost in the hectic rushing around of daily life. The Mercury Retrograde period can be a rich time of reflection on those longings. This makes it a time for the soul to ponder its destiny. You might look over old journals, review your creative work, muse on serendipities of the past that have pointed you toward your spirit's calling. It can make the retrograde period a time of solidifying a sense of your personal story and where you're headed.

What does it mean in each different sign?:

The Mercury retrograde is shaped by the sign through which it is cast. For example, a Mercury retrograde in Cancer turns the mind toward things like family, home and the invisible emotional bonds that connect us. On the other hand, a Mercury retrograde in Aquarius gives it a different spin, with a review of group dynamics, the larger human community, all from a detached perspective.

Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde:

Astrology is a tool that can make you aware of patterns, like those that come during a Mercury retrograde. Just observe and see what happens, and be open to the past returning for review. If it's coming back, there's likely something more to learn or release from it. You don't have to retreat to the zen monastery, but a little solitude and quiet reflection never hurt anybody.

Wondering how Mercury Retrograde affects you in your sign?  Check out Mercury Signs
(This is my reading: Mercury in Libra: Able to speak eloquently, with a gift for harmonizing ideas and points of view. A mind attracted to high ideals and refined expressions of life. Diplomatic. Shows cardinality when trusting clear sight, and takes risks to achieve real balance.)  What is yours?
If you have experienced weird/strange things during Mercury Retrograde, tell us your story in the comments below.  I'm sure we will see each others stories and relate to it in some way or another.  Ready....set.....go.!  Let the sharing begin. 
By: Jen Martin

1 comment:

  1. Good blog! Lots of good information about Mercury Retrograde. Thank you!
